
Rabu, 05 September 2007

Wisata Candi Prambanan

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About Candi Prambanan:
From Official Site : http://www.borobudurpark.com/prambanan.php

Prambanan, named after the village, is the biggest temple complex in Java. There are 224 temples in the complex; three of them, the main temples are Brahma Temple in the north, Vishnu Temple in the south, and the biggest among the three which lies between Brahma and Vishnu temples is Shiva Temple (47 meters high).

These three ancient masterpieces of Hindu architecture are locally referred to as Prambanan Temple or Lorojonggrang Temple. One of its appeals is the wealth of sculptural detail. The well known one is on the inner wall of the balustrade, the wonderfully vital and utterly engrossing Ramayana epic.

Perhaps one of the most majestic temples in the South-East Asia, Prambanan attracts many admirers each year from abroad. Situated about 15 kilometers from Yogyakarta, the top of the main shrine is visible from a great distance and rises high above the scattered ruins of the former temples.

Prambanan is the best seen shortly after dawn or in the late afternoon. However it is still beautiful at any time.

Lokasi :
Candi ini terletak di pulau Jawa,
kurang lebih 10 km timur Yogyakarta, 40 km barat Surakarta dan 120 km selatan Semarang,
persis di perbatasan antara provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Candi Rara Jonggrang terletak di desa Prambanan yang wilayahnya dibagi antara kabupaten Sleman dan Klaten.
The nearest major city is Yogyakarta, 17 kilometers away. Solo is also within easy striking distance.
Yogyakarta’s airport is just ten kilometers from Prambanan. A taxi direct to the site should cost about Rp 20,000.
There are regular buses from Yogyakarta’s Umbulharjo bus station (30 minutes), as well as a wide variety of tour agency-operated minibuses shuttling directly to Yogya’s backpacker haunts.

Route :
From Adusucipto Airport - Go to East- Route to Solo Street and 20 Kilometers, about 20 minute after Air Port

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