
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Maintaining Good Health While Traveling

Imagine planning a trip weeks or maybe months in advance and when the time comes that one gets to actually travel, for some reason, one gets sick along the way and instead of enjoying the trip seeing the sites, one has nothing to do but just rest in the hotel room instead of having fun. Surely, that is something no one wants to experience and here are a few tips one can keep in mind to avoid it.

The best medicine before going on any trip is being in the best possible shape. By doing some biking, aerobics or long walks, one is able to condition the muscles for those long tours. Doing some research about the place one is visiting and reading up on the destination, the culture and the places one wants to visit, makes planning the itinerary less stressful.

By obtaining information on the weather or climate so as to pack the right clothes for the trip and the condition of the drinking water are just some examples one can also work on. By purchasing water purification tablets before going to a place with suspect water sources, one is able to avoid getting any sickness from the water.

Each of one of us has dietary preferences, and by giving advice to the travel agent the type of food to be served during the flight, it can surely avoid any indigestion problems. If one is taking medication, it is best to pack sufficient stock for the trip and must also check if the medication one is carrying is allowed in the place where one is going to avoid any problems with customs.

Now all the preparations have been made, it is onward with the trip. It is best to have a good meal before going on a long trip. Check-ins in airports is long and it will take some time before the airline gives the meals to its passengers.

On a long trip that could take hours by any mode of transportation, it is best from time to time to stretch or walk around to circulate the blood in the body. If one suffers motion sickness while traveling, it is also advisable to take the proper medicine at least an hour before the trip for the medicine to take effect.

Water is important and if one is unsure of the tap water, it is best to order bottled water from the establishment. One should just be sure that the bottle is still enclosed before opening to make sure the bottle is safe for drinking.

After taking all the necessary measures, there is no doubt that the trip will be a memorable experience.

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