
Jumat, 10 April 2009

Sumatra Tiger Drag European Tourists Log In Forest

Fad-life animal behavior rare Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris sumatrae) in the original habitat in the conservation area, National Park Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) attract tourists European origin, so that a package tour "Green Tourism" for the pre-eminent in the region around TNKS. Package tours that can be managed if the professional and still consider the factors of conservation and security of tourists, will become a very attractive pre-eminent European tourists, said the Director of the Bureau of Travel "Sumatra and Beyond", Ridwan Tulus at the beginning of this weekend.

Sumatra and Beyond, is a travel agency that sells the package "Green Tourism" in Europe, a package is unggulannya see tingah-life behavior Sumatran tiger in the dense forest TNKS. He says, today (Monday, 6 / 4) two British tourists, namely Roger Charles and Kathleen Free Free to leave the area TNKS in the area of Kerinci Regency to see life Sumatran tiger habitat in the original. "They buy this package offered Sumatra and Beyond in the UK and will be in TNKS forest for six days," he said. Heartfelt unwilling mention, the location of forest area for monitoring the Sumatra tiger, is associated with the interests of protection and conservation is habitan.

He says, in the forest during TNKS tourists that accompanied the Tiger Protection Unit (TPU), which is part of the Central TNKS. "Sumatra and Beyond" and TPU agreed to work together to help tourists to the forest area into a regular traffic Sumatran tiger, but the location can not be mentioned, he added. According to him, TPU officers already know the position of traffic at the time and Sumatran tiger appeared, because they have experienced in the conservation of protected animals.

He said, tourists can see tingah-life behavior of the Sumatran tiger places protected officers who have been determined mainly on the tree house that has been provided previously. Officers also provide a goat for bait fishing out of the Sumatran tiger persembunyiannya. "Feed is the last alternative, if in a few days the tiger has not also appeared," he added. Said Ridwan Tulus, the package tour to see Sumatran tiger in TNKS European tourists is very interesting and has come around 150 people mainly from the UK to follow the package. "Because dealing with wild and ferocious animals, then this package to the security of tourists and become a top priority to be part of the cooperation of Sumatra and Beyond and TPU including involving local communities, he said.

source : Kompas

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